Thursday 23 February 2017

our final movie

Hello! In my final post I'm leaving the final opening film, of horror genre, I hope you enjoy it, as much as I have creating this blog.

Monday 13 February 2017

evaluation question 4

How did you integrate technologies - hardware, software and online- in this project?

Hello! I have prepared the last evaluation question with PowToon, it was a new program for me, so at the beginning was quite difficult. I have used Youtube to watch some tutorials and make a better use of it.  I hope you like it!

Friday 3 February 2017

evaluation questions 2

2 How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text?

Thursday 2 February 2017

evauation question 1

1 How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social group or issues?

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Friday 27 January 2017

promotion our movie

To promote our movie, we have think about many possibilities like making a poster, slideshows that are shown between movie showtime and standees(freestanding paperboard life-size images of figures from the film) but after thinking about it we decided that the best idea was to create an Instagram account, because our main audience are teenagers as we saw in the questionaries that we did, also is the principal social media for teenagers now a days, and a free way of promoting. 

Tuesday 24 January 2017

preliminary film opening

After the four days filming, I have joined up the best shots and made a preliminary opening. This is the main idea that we had when we were filming and now we need to put on the effects, the logo company and maybe we change a few things.

Monday 23 January 2017

research on promotion

Promotion has been defined by many marketers as the most significant of the four Ps of marketing.

A marketer may create a great product, price it reasonably enough and place it in outlets all over the country, but unless he has promoted it well, or in other words, created an awareness about all that he has done, the consumer would not even ask for it. Because of this films spend a lot of money in promotion.

Promotion refers to all activities carried out to build awareness or a favourable image about a product or a service. Promotions also include exhibitions, trade fairs, contests and road shows. Promotion research helps an organisation foresee the outcome of all such activities it wishes to undertake.

The promotion and marketing of a film have significant benefits such as:
- Raise audience and widen industry awareness.
- Raise profile of On-screen; Talent, director, crew etc.
-Ensure awards committees are aware of the work.
-Ultimately ensure commercial success of the film.

Wednesday 18 January 2017

Editing our movie

Today I'm going to talk about my experience editing the movie, for me it was the most difficult part because  I was the one that edited all the film.  Firstly I joined up all the good scenes and that was my preliminary opening, after that I added some other shots that fit together better and remove some others. 
After that I up load the music, chosen by Blewes and the film opening titles with a font selected by Violeta. One of my problems where that the lightning of the days weren't the same, but I edit the videos with the same filters so they looked the same. An advantage is that i love crating videos of birthdays, trips and for my friends, so I knew how to use iMovie for example and others softwares used. All this process had taken me a wile but it has been worth the effort. 

Monday 16 January 2017

Sunday 15 January 2017

3rd day filming

Hello, I hope you enjoy this presentation about the third day filming as much as I've been preparing it.

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Saturday 14 January 2017

2nd day filming

On the second day filming we were filming on the street and the forest, in my opinion was the hardest part because Blewes was saying Logan (the real name) instead of John, and when he get to say John for some reason someone laughs so we repeated the scenes to many times

I have made a clip of the outtakes:

Friday 13 January 2017

Tuesday 10 January 2017

Shooting equipment

In a previous post (filming schedule ) I have summaries the filming equipment. Today I'm going to talk more about them, and after thinking about it we have include one more, so we are more prepared.

We are using a video camera, that the media studies class let to us. This device is going to be the principal one at the time of recording.

This is the one that we have include, because we have good camera mobiles, like the Iphone6 and SamsungS7 ADGE and it can be a second camera if we need it.
We are using a tripod that will help us with the stability of the camera, it can used also in the mobiles.

Risk assesment.

Today I have made the table below about the possible risk that can happen during the process of filming our opening film.
What is at risk?
Who is at risk?
High or Low 
How to avoid the risk 
Falling of the motor bike
Don’t drive too fast 
Wear a helmet 
Falling running in the dark 
Logan and Blewes 
Be careful running 
Damaging equipment 
Being careful with the camera 

Monday 2 January 2017

Shot list

Hi! This is my shot list that we are going to use in the opening film.

SHOT numb
Close up
Cole getting the phone, which is ringing.
zoom out, Middle shot
Cole talking though the phone.
middle shot
Cole going outside the house.
low angle, close up
John and Stella arriving with the bike.
Medium shot
In this scene Cole walks out to the street and talk to John and Stella.
Over the shoulder 
Cole is still taking photos of John and stella.
Point of view
Bethany´s POV
Over the shoulder 
Bethany looking at the friends.
Close up
Close up of the ground.
Over the shoulder pan
The shot is form over Bethany´s shoulder and the  pan following them running away.
High angle, long shot 
The friends running away.
Close up
Close up of the ground and our legs running fast.
Long shot
Forest / street
Long shot of us leaving the forest.
Low angle
Friends going inside the house.
Pan movement
Friends going inside the house.
Medium shot
Friends trying to open the door.
Extreme close-up
Cole´s hands opening the door with the keys.
Close up
Bethany´s face.