Monday 19 December 2016


Hello! Today I'm going to talk about lighting in general, so that you have already an idea. After that I'm going to focus on the opening film.

Lighting belong to the mise-en-scene section. It refers to how a scene or shot is lighted, and used to create mood and feeling.
Lightning (general)- can be used to highlight important characters.
High Key lighting- A bright and well lit scene with very few shadows. Often used to make a location or character seem friendly, happy, safe.

 Low key lightning- a dimly lit scene with lots of shadows. Often used to make a location or character see shady, untrustworthy, dangerous, unsafe.
Chiaroscuro Lighting- a scene lit with extreme lighting, lots of shadows, some very  bright parts. See the effects of low key lighting. Also used to make a location or character seem very dramatic and unusual.

Lighting of the opening film:
As it is a horror film, the most appropriate is the low key lighting. Because of this the idea is to film between 5p.m and 6 p.m because it is getting darker but with the enough light to see the characters.
Another reason why we have take 4 days filming is that after 7 or 8p.m there is no natural light, and we pretend to make before nightfall.

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