Friday 11 November 2016

Research on audience

Today I´m going to talk about why does and what type of people likes fiction movie, and my team and I are going to prepare a questionnaire to take that information.   

Create your own user feedback survey

Questionnaire results

Questionnaire summary:

From the questionnaire, I collected some useful information for the horror opening film that my team and I need to create. For example, by asking if they watch horror movies and why. 

Some things that I found of my target audience:

  • Regularly watch films.
  • The 35% of the audience have horror as their favourite genre and the 45% like them.
  • More girls likes horror movies than males: the 35% of the people that were given the questionnaire where males and only 28% of those like horror movies. Girls where the 65%, and 71% had the horror movies as their favourite one.

As a result, I will pay attention to all these points for the opening film, and do it as best as we can.

Audience interview

Audience interview transcript:

1. How old are you? - I´m 18 or above.
2. How often do you watch movies? - Once or twice a week.
3. Do you like horror movies? - No specially.
4. What gender are you? - I´m male.
5. What is your favourite movie genre? - Science fiction.
6. Do you normally watch fiction movies at home or at cinema? - At home
7.What is your favourite type of fiction movie? - Sci-fi.
8.Why do you watch horror movies? - Enjoyment.

Thank you.

Audience Profile

If companies do not know about their audience, they cannot market successfully. I´m going to summarise what I understand by audience profile.
As my team and I are going to do the film opening about horror we need to know who is our audience, before starting marketing and promoting the opening, we need to focus on an audience profile so we don't waste time and effort with the wrong people. The audience profile is a way to determinate our ideal target market of spectator and can helps us to have goals in mind.

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